


Whilst Mongolian International and National Arbitration for Sport following frame of International and National procedure of resolving arbitral disputes, we will resolve disputes in Mongolia with our whole professional composition, and we will work according to International standards.


Mongolian International and National Arbitration for Sport is the first Sport arbitration in Mongolia for avoid going abroad and wasting money to resolve disputes but willing to resolve disputes in domestic. Saving time, money is some of the advantages. In other words, resolving featured sport-related disputes in Mongolia will bring positive effects such as protecting athlete rights; determine their duties, determining procedural standards, the way of Sport arbitration procedure keeping private status of sport organizations, no discrimination of professional and non-professional categories, nationality of the athletes, race, religion, age, gender, major, team affiliation, sport title or wealth


We are truly appreciated for the Mongolian and International sport organizations for supporting us  



                                                                                                     PRESIDENT   G.GANBAT

Published: 2017-09-07 07:09:38